Quality Management

Our History
Whizzo Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. (for shot Whizzo S & T), evolved from the laboratory of electrocatalyst materials of the Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals, the Chinese Academy of Sciences(ICPM, CAS).
Whizzo S & T has accomplished many key projects and military projects assigned by central government, national departments or councils and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the development items of electrode products issued by factories in recent years, and is the technical support unitt of “National Key Spread Plan of the Science and Technology Achievements” and the project undertaken unit of “National Torch Plan” now. In the long-term exploration, the company possesses many advanced techniques and rich experiences in the field of electrode materials and other relevant fields so far.
Main products: MMO (DSA) titanium anode, Active cathode, Electrolyzer components and Recoating.
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