Quality Management

Hydrogen evolution cathode
A. Active cathode for alkali solution electrolysis
Chlor-alkali industry (Metal-anode-diaphragm cell process /Ion-exchange membrane process)
Electrolysis alkali liquor for making high purity hydrogen and oxygen
B. Cathode for acidic and/or oxidizing electrolyte
Dilute brine eletrolysis for sodium hypochlorite[NaClO]
Generation of chlorine dioxide[ClO2] mixture
Seawater electrolysis (Seawater desalination/Seawater electrolysis of sodium hypochlorite to kill Marine plankton)
Effluent treatment
Acidic or alkaline ionized water
Eletroflotation (Mineral separation / Effluent treatment)
Organic electrolytic synthesis
Oxidant production and regeneration (such as perchlorate, periodate, chromic anhydride and persulphate etc.)